

中华蜂蜜网 2016年04月25日 15时11分51秒


裴高璞1,史波林2,*,赵 镭2,高海燕1,支瑞聪2
(1.上海大学生命学院,上海 200444;2.中国标准化研究院食品与农业标准化研究所,北京 100088)
摘 要:蜂蜜具有极高的营养价值,深受消费者青睐,销售量也呈逐年上升趋势。然而,近年来我国蜂蜜品质状况 不容乐观,蜂蜜农药、兽药残留与掺假现象严重,尤其是猖狂的掺假行为与先进的掺假手段已成为社会关注的焦点。如何科学检测蜂蜜品质是目前我国乃至国际蜂业发展中亟待解决的关键技术问题。本文结合国际蜂蜜的大市场 环境和蜂蜜品质危机的严重现状,深入分析我国蜂蜜质量市场动态,全面剖析目前主要蜂蜜掺假检测技术的优缺点,重点分析这些检测技术的局限性及其原因。通过提出利用不同品质蜂蜜香气呈香规律的差异来鉴别蜂蜜掺假的建议,对中国未来蜂蜜质量和品质检测的发展趋势进行展望。
Current Situation Analysis of Quality Market Dynamics and Detection Methods for Honey Adulteration
PEI Gao-pu1,SHI Bo-lin2,*,ZHAO Lei2,GAO Hai-yan1,ZHI Rui-cong2
(1. College of Life Science, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China;
2. Institute of Foods and Agriculture Standardization, China National Institute of Standardization, Beijing 100088, China)
Abstract:Honey is favored by consumers for its high nutritional value and health benefits, and its sales have increased year by year. However, in recent years, honey quality has not been optimistic in China. Pesticides and veterinary drug residues or adulteration in honey are serious, especially as rampant adulteration and advanced means of adulteration has become the focus of attention. Therefore, how to detect honey quality scientifically is the key technical problem to be solved for the development of the honeybee industry in China and around the world. Based on the international market environment of honey and the serious status of honey quality crisis, this paper provides an in-depth analysis of the market quality dynamics of honey and the advantages and disadvantages of the currently available techniques to detect honey adulteration are explored. Moreover, we suggest that honey adulteration should be identified according to the aroma of honey and discuss future trends in the development of detection techniques for honey quality.
Key words:honey;market;adulteration;detection 中图分类号:S896.8 doi:10.7506/spkx1002-6630-201315068 文献标志码:A文章编号:1002-6630(2013)15-0329-08

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