

中华蜂蜜网 2016年05月02日 01时26分22秒

养蜂业由于蜜蜂为作物授粉而对农业生产起着关键作用,然而当前中国的蜂产业政策还十分欠 缺,政府没有为养蜂业发展提供优良的政策环境。

(中国农业科学院农业经济与发展研究所,北京 100081)
摘 要:养蜂业由于蜜蜂为作物授粉而对农业生产起着关键作用,然而当前中国的蜂产业政策还十分欠缺,政府没有为养蜂业发展提供优良的政策环境。因此为了提出完善中国蜂业支持政策体系的政策建议,促进中国蜂业较快发展,本研究使用归纳分析的方法,分析和借鉴了美国相对健全的蜂业支持政策体系。分析结果表明:美国的蜂业支持政策可分为以下几类——以稳定养蜂者收入为目标的蜂蜜价格支持政策;以保护国内蜂蜜生产者利益为目标的蜂蜜贸易保护政策;以减轻养蜂灾害损失为目标的蜂业保险和紧急援助政策;以解决蜂业病虫害和蜂群消失问题为目标的科研支持政策以及以监管养蜂生产环节为目标的养蜂注册与检疫政策。结合中国蜂业政策现状,中国蜂业支持政策体系要从开发政策性蜂业保险并辅以养蜂风险救助,加大财政对蜂业补贴力度,加强对蜂业科研的支持,加强养蜂生产环节控制几个方面来完善。
蜂业 美国 中国 政策扶持 蜜蜂养殖 养蜂技术 养蜂灾害 养蜂保险
中图分类号:F310 文献标志码:A 论文编号:2014-0202
The U.S. Apiculture Supporting Policies and Its Implication to China
Sun Cuiqing, Zhao Zhijun
(Institute of Agricultural Economics and Development, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081)
Abstract: Apiculture was key to agricultural industry because of bee pollination for crops, but there were little apiculture policies in Chinese at present, the government didn’t supply a good policy environment for the development of apiculture. So, the study analyzed the U.S. relatively comprehensive apiculture support policy system used the method of inductive analysis to raise suggestions for complementing Chinese apiculture support policy system and promote the development of Chinese apiculture. The analysis result showed that the U.S. apiculture support policies could be classified into the following types which were honey price support policy aimed to stabilize beekeepers’income, honey trade protection policy aimed to protect the interest of domestic honey producers’, apiculture insurance and emergency assistance policy aimed to alleviate beekeepers’disaster losses, research support policies aimed to solve bee diseases and insect pests problems and the Colony Collapse Disorder, and registration and inspection policies aimed to supervise the bee keeping activities. Combined with the status quo of Chinese apiculture policies, the Chinese apiculture support policy system could be perfected by development of policy- based apiculture insurance which should be supplemented by apiculture risk salvation, increase of finance subsidy to bee keepers’and finance support to apiculture researches, and strict control of bee keeping activities.
Key words: apiculture support; policy; implication

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