

中华蜂蜜网 2017年05月03日 22时16分47秒

蜂蜜比感冒糖漿更能舒緩兒童咳嗽症狀 嚴重的乾咳不只痛苦又煩人,也會導致好幾天得不到一夜好眠。不過一匙蜂蜜或許就能幫你把這些惡夢變成香甜的美夢。

(Health)Honey Soothes Kids Cough Better than Cough Medicine
A bad, dry cough is not only painful and irritating, but can also lead to many sleepless nights. Though, a spoon of honey may be all it takes to help you turn those dreadful nights into sweet dreams.
A study involving nearly 300 Israeli children with throat infections found that kids aged one to five coughed less often and slept better after taking 10g of honey before bedtime. In the study, three quarters of the children were given a teaspoon of either eucalyptus honey, citrus honey or labiatae honey before bed, while the rest took a placebo. According to the scoring of parents on the severity and frequency of their childs cough, the children that had honey showed a much better improvement compared to those on the placebo.
The researchers say that honeys high levels of antioxidants could make it a better alternative to cough syrups, many of which are not proven to work and which can be dangerous if parents administer accidental overdoses. However, they emphasize that honey is unsafe for young infants due to the risk of a rare but fatal infection.

