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Determination of Amino Acid in Honey and High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)
by the Method of Ninhydrin Colorization
Yang Yuanfan1 Ni Hui1,3 Wu Liming2*
(1School of Bioengineering, Jimei University, Xiamen 361021, Fujian
2Institute of Apicultural Research, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100093
3Food Bio-engineering Research Center of Xiamen, Xiamen 361021, Fujian)
Abstract Honey is a popular nature food having health-care benefits, and HPCS has similar carbohydrates composition to honey, bringing difficulties to differentiate them according the major constitution of carbohydrate and sensitive evaluation.Honey has amino acid content different from HPCS, which suggests a potential index for evaluation of honey.Ninhydrin colorization method was applied to determine the amino acid in five honey and 13 HFCS samples, and subsequently a new and simple method for monitoring the quality of honey was develop. The results indicated that the ninhydrin method had good linearity(R2=0.992), accuracy (recovery 96.3%~101.1%) and repeatability (relative standard deviation 0.8%~5.8%) for analysis amino acid using glutamic acid as the standard. Amino acid contents of the five honey samples were all above 200 μg/g. However, amino acid contents of the 13 HFCSs were within 10.1~47.8 μg/g. The concentrations of amino acid in the mixtures of honey and HFCS showed good negative linearity to the percentages of HFCS.This result indicates ninhydrin colonization method is an effective approach to monitoring the quality of honey by distinguishing the amino acid quantities of honey and HFCS.
Key words honey; HFCS; ninhydrin; amino acid; quality