Composition of amino adds, fatty acids and mineral for different regions of Rape pollen, Camellia pollen
Dong Wenbin1, Wu Xiaobo2, Liu Feng1, Wang Ying1, Zeng Zhijiang2, Xu Baohua1*
(I. Department of Animal Science and Technology, Shandong Agricuhnral University f Tai * an 271018; 2. Honeybee Research Institute, Jiangxi Agricultural University, Nanchang 330045 )
Abstract:Rape pollen and camellia pollen is the biggest sale two kinds of bee pollen on present market, and is the main pollen types as bee feed. In order to ascertain the nutritional value of rape pollen and camellia pollen in different regions, we gathered pollen samples from Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Hubei, Qinghai, Xinjiang, et al. According to standard methods,pollens were measured the amino acids, fatty acids and minerals content in Ministry of Agriculture Feed Potency and Siifety Supervision and Testing Center ( Beijing ) , and comparative analysis. It was found that these two kinds of bee pollen all contains 18 kinds of amino a(:ids, no matter where samples came from. The^ total amino acids accounted for 19.83〜25.59%, the amino acid composition was reasonahle,the value EAA ( essential amino acid ) / TAA ( total amino acids ),were greater than 40%; There were great differences in fatty acid kinds and contents of different origin sample types, and the ratio PUFA ( unsaturated fatty acids ) /SFA ( saturated fatty acids ) ( PUFA/SFA value ) ranged from 1.39 to 1.80, and Jiangsuv rape pollen had the highest value ( PUFA/SFA = 1.80 ) . We measured 10 kinds minerals, and among the pollen samples, there also were great differences in the (*ontent of each mineral.
![不同产地油菜花粉、茶花粉中氨基酸、脂肪酸和矿物质成分 不同产地 花粉 油菜花粉 氨基酸 脂肪酸 矿物质](https://www.zhfengmi.com/uploadfile/2016/0513/20160513020024957.png)
Key words:rape pollen; camellia pollen; amino acid; fatty acid; minerals
蜂花粉(bcc pollen )是蜜蜂采集花粉粒,并 在采集过程中加人花蜜和唾液,将花粉粘合而成的团状物[1]。由于营养成分全面,生物活性物质含量 节富,被誉为“完全营养素” [2]。油菜花粉和茶花粉是目前市场上销售置最大的两种蜂花粉[3],也是作为蜜蜂饲料的两种主要蜂花粉。油菜花粉是蜜蜂采自十字花科植物油菜(Bresssica campestris)的花粉,油菜分布于我国的西北、华北、内蒙古及长江流域各省(区),世界各地也广泛分布,油菜花粉 产量很大[4]。茶花粉是蜜蜂采自山茶科植物山茶花 [Camellia japonica)的花粉。
人们发现,不同种类的蜂花粉其营养素的种类、含量及疗效大不相同,即使同一种蜂花粉,因 地域、环境、气候等因素的影响,各种营养成分的含量亦有差异[5]。为了探明不同产地的油菜花粉和 茶花粉的营养价值,在公益性行业(农业)科研 专项“伺料营养价值与畜禽伺养标准研究与应用 ( 200903006 ) ”的支持下,课题组分别采集苏、 浙、皖、鄂、青、新等地的油菜花粉和茶花粉样 本,于农业部饲料效价与安全监督检验测试中心 (北京)测定了蜂花粉样本中的氨基酸、脂肪酸和 矿物质成分并进行了分析对比,从而为蜂花粉的合 理开发利用提供参考。